Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki
This article, Xander Ironwood, is the sole property of User:Skullguy123. For permission to use, mention or make major edits, ask me first for my permission. However, grammatical, spelling, and punctuation edits are more then welcomed
Xander Ironwood
[[File: thumb]]
Race Demigod
Gender Male
Height 6'3”
Professional Status
Affiliation Camp Half-Blood
Occupation Demigod
Base of Operations Camp Half-Blood
Personal Status
Status Alive
Relatives Ares (Father)
Jessica Angela (half-sister)






General Abilities[]

  • ADHD: Like most demigods, Xander possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that he uses to analyze the fighting style of her opponent.
  • Fighting Skills:
  • Dyslexia: His brain is "hardwired" for Ancient Greek instead of modern languages.

Demigod Abilities[]

  • Physically Enhanced: As a demigod, Xander is very strong, fast and agile though he is noticeably stronger than other demigods as a child of Ares.
    • Strength:
    • Durability:
    • Agility:
    • Reflexes:
  • Telumkinesis: Being a child of Ares makes make him an expert in all weapon usage and he has some degree of magical control over them.
    • Weapon Conjuration: As a son of Ares, Xander is able to transform any object around him into any weapon and/or tool through sheer concentration.
    • Weapon Curses: As a son of Ares, Xander is able to place curses on his opponents weapons.
  • Necromancy (limited): As a son of Ares, Xander can summon the losing undead soldiers from any war. However, his powers over the dead are far inferior to an child of Hades.
  • Odikinesis: As a child of Ares, Xander has a level of influence and control over emotions such as hate and rage due to them being the "emotions of war."
  • Powerful Shout (limited): As a son of Ares, Xander is able to generate a powerful shout capable of causing his opponents extreme pain and discomfort.
  • Pyrokinesis (limited):




