The Titans (Τιτάνες in Ancient Greek) are the elder divines immortals who ruled the cosmos after the Protogenoi before the rise of the Olympians. Kronos is their king and with Rhea as his queen.
First Generation[]
The Children of Gaea and Ouranos
- Kronos: King of the Titans and Titan of the Stations.
- Oceanus: Father of the Waters and Titan of the Oceans.
- Hyperion: Lord of the East and Titan of Brightness.
- Coeus: Lord of the North and Titan of Knowledge.
- Iapetus: Lord of the West and Titan of Mortality.
- Krios: Lord of the South and Titan of the Stars.
- Rhea: Queen of the Titans and Titaness of Fertility.
- Tethys: Titaness of the Seas.
- Theia: Titaness of Splendour.
- Phoebe: Titaness of Mysteries.
- Mnemosyne: Titaness of Memory.
- Themis: Titaness of Divine Law.
The Children of Gaea and Pontus
- Nereus: Titan of Sea
- Thaumant: Titan of Marine Wonders
- Phorkys: Titan of Sea Terrors
- Keto: Titaness of Marine Monstrosities
- Eurybia: Titaness of Turbulences
Second Generation[]
Although they are of this generation, the children of Kronos and Rhea are not counted among the Titans due to their rebellion, but the children of the other ten are still placed among them.
The Children of Oceanus and Tethys[]
- The Oceanidas
- The Potamoi
The Children of Hyperion and Theia[]
The Children of Coeus and Phoebe[]
The Children of Krios and Eurybia[]
- Astraeus
- Perses
- Pallas
The Children of Iapetus and Clymene[]
The Children of Nereus and Doris[]
- The Nereids
- Nerites
The Children of Thaumant and Electra[]
- Iris
- Arce
- The Harpies
The Children of Phorkys and Keto[]
Third Generation[]
The Children of Atlas and Pleione[]
- The Pleiades
The Children of Atlas and Hyada[]
- The Hyades
The Children of Atlas and Hesperis[]
- The Hesperides
The Children of Atlas and Ethra[]
- The Ethrianides
The Children of Perses and Asteria[]
The Children of Eos and Astraeus[]
- The Anemoi