Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki
Titan of Rage
Titan of Impulse
Titan of Human Mortality
Vital Statistics
Gender Male
Status Immortal
Eye Color Black
Hair Color Silver
Height Tall



Battle Axe

Species Titan


Greek/Roman form None


Actor None


Menoetius (Μενοίτης in Ancient Greek) is the Titan of rage, impulse, and human mortality. He is the son of Iapetus and Clymene, as well as the brother of Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. During the first Titanomachy, he was defeated by Zeus and banished to Tartarus but was freed.


Menoetius is incredibly tall, being 12 feet tall and looking like a hardened warrior. He has stone grey eyes, silver spiked hair and light brown skin. He is extremely muscular, described as being "built like a linebacker", with a handsome yet cruel looking face with large scar from when Zeus struck him with the Master Bolt.


Menoetius is incredibly sadistic, and borderline psychopathic, showing to relish in the defeat and slaughter of his enemies. He takes great pride in killing and is a natural warrior, showing as he gloated that he would bathe in the blood of James Parker and his friends. He is also extremely arrogant, as he declared that he could defeat his brothers in combat and taunted his father Iapetus in their battle; saying that his father was weak and foolish. True to being the Titan of rage, Menoetius has an explosive temper and tends to lash out at both enemy and ally alike as he slaughtered several of his subordinates when he was thinking of his encounter with Zeus.

Menoetius has a deep hatred for Zeus due to being defeated and granted a horrible scar by the god. He wants nothing more than to defeat and humiliate Zeus as much as possible. This extends to the children of Zeus, as he relished in being able to kill James Parker, the demigod son of Zeus. He also expressed interest in Hera, claiming after he destroyed Zeus he would force Hera into marriage.


  • Battle Prowess: Menoetius is an incredible fighter, as he was able to defeat his father Iapetus and force him to bear the weight of the sky in order to free his brother Atlas and during the First Titanomachy he was able to fight on par with Zeus before being overpowered by his Master Bolt. He is an exceptional wielder of his battle axe, as he was able to defeat James Parker and Alex Mercer simultaneously in their first encounter with him and would've killed the two demigods had they not been saved by a storm spirit. Later he is able to fight on par with a much stronger James who was boosted by his rage.
  • Massive Strength: Menoetius has incredible physical strength, which allowed him to survive in the depths of Tartarus for several centuries. This strength can be increased when he gets angry, as he was able to simultaneously overpower both James and Alex, two demigods sons of Zeus and Ares respectively.
  • Titanic Energy: Like all Titans, Menoetius has the ability to blast things hundreds of yards away from himself with a yell or a wave of the hand.
  • Odikinesis: As the Titan of Rage, Menoetius has control over feelings and emotions of hate and anger, and frequently induces them in order to start fights. When James Parker first encountered the titan he made him feel like he wanted to start a fight with anyone in the vicinity.
    • Anger Empowerment: Menoetius has the ability to become more powerful the angrier he becomes, increasing his strength, speed, durability, endurance, and stamina.
  • Rage Energy: Menoetius has the ability to manifest his rage into a physical energy that can harm others.

