Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki

Jupiter (Iuppiter in Latin) is the Roman counterpart of Zeus. As Jupiter, he becomes more disciplined, militaristic, and warlike. The Greeks envisioned Zeus as a powerful and proud being while the Romans envisioned Jupiter as a more formal and stoic version of his Greek counterpart.


Jupiter is the supreme god of the Roman pantheon, called dies pater, "shining father". He is a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws. The Romans worshipped him especially as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (all-good, all-powerful). This name refers not only to his rulership over the Universe, but also to his function as the god of the state who distributes laws, controls the realm and makes his will known through oracles. His English name is Jove.

He had a temple on the Capitol, together with Juno and Minerva, but he was the most prominent of this Capitoline triad. His temple was not only the most important sanctuary in Rome; it was also the center of political life. Here official offerings were made, treaties were signed and wars were declared, and the triumphant generals of the Roman army came here to give their thanks.

Family and Children[]


Saturn (time) and Ops (fertility)


Juno (marriage), Neptune (the Sea), Ceres (agriculture), Pluto (the Underworld) and Vesta (the hearth)


Like most of the Roman gods, Jupiter wasn't known to mingle as much with mortals as much as Zeus did, his consorts and children are known to be:

Juno: Goddess of Marriage and a Patron of Rome, she has had at least 5 children with Jupiter including:

  • Mars: God of war and farther of Rome
  • Juventas: Goddess of youth
  • Vulcan: God of blacksmiths and the forge
  • Bellona: Goddess of War
  • Lucina: Goddess of Childbirth

Ceres: Jupiter's others sister, the Goddess of agriculture and the harvest, they have a daughter together who became queen of the Underworld and Pluto's wife:

Latona: The Titan Goddess of Motherhood, she has had twin children with Jupiter

  • Apollo: God of the sun, prophecy and medicine
  • Diana: Goddess of the Moon and hunting

Other Children[]

  • Minerva: Goddess of wisdom and warfare
  • Mercury: Messenger of the gods and the god of commerce and travellers
  • Bacchus: God of Wine, vegetation and madness

