Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki
Greek Form Diety of Roman Form
Zeus God of the Sky Jupiter
Hera Goddess of Marriage Juno
Poseidon God of the Sea Neptune
Demeter Goddess of the Harvest Ceres
Hades God of the Underworld Pluto
Hestia Goddess of the Hearth Vesta
Athena Goddess of Wisdom Minerva
Apollo God of the sun Apollo
Artemis Goddess of the Hunt Diana
Ares God of War Mars
Aphrodite Goddess of Love Venus
Hephaestus God of the Forge Vulcan
Dionysus God of Wine Bacchus
Hermes God of Messengers Mercury

Hypnos God of Sleep Somnus
Hecate Goddess of Magic Trivia
Persephone Goddess of Springtime Proserpina
Nike Goddess of Victory Victoria
Eris Goddess of Discord Discordia
Phobos God of Fear Timor
Deimos God of Terror Formido
Irene Goddess of Peace Pax
Hebe Goddess of Youth Juventas
Morpheus God of Dreams Somnia
Apophroditus God of the eclipse Eclepsis