Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki

The Golden bow is the primary weapon of Apollo, god of archery. The Archers of Apollo had this as their weapon before they changed to Epirus bows instead


Hephaestus gave it to him when he was a child after Apollo begged for it needing the bow and arrows to protect his mother, Leto, from Python. After receiving them, Apollo cornered Python in the sacred cave at Delphi. Apollo killed the monster but had to be punished for it, since Python was a child of Gaea. The bow could cause health or famine, although its main function is that of a regular bow, but with greater power. It is described as the opposite of Artemis' Silver Bow; where her bow kills painlessly, like the soft rays of the moon, his tears life away like the harsh rays of the sun. It is perhaps more powerful than Artemis' Bow.

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