Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki

Dyslexia is a learning disability that manifests primarily as a difficulty understanding written language, particularly with reading decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, and reading fluency.


Those who suffer from dyslexia are often unable to view letters in their proper order and some have described seeing "words fly off the page." In mortals, dyslexia is often caused by a dominant right brain. Demigods suffer from dyslexia. This is explained, and informs them that their dyslexia is a result of demigods' brains being "hard-wired" not to interpret mortal languages such as English. It is usually coupled with ADHD. Like all demigods a word is read like "arithmetic" as "tahricietm" or similar.

While in actual terms, Dyslexia covers both reading and writing in technical/medical terms, it is limited to reading, the related written learning disorder is Dysgraphia.


  • Unlike most demigods, Many Roman demigods are not dyslexic as Latin is similar to the english language.
  • No archers of Apollo seem to have dyslexia, as their new intellect gets rid of it, but the condition of ADHD still remains. Their ADHD is what mixes with the Anxiety Disorder to give them their powerful senses and speed.