Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki

ButterflyCries ButterflyCries 28 February 2022

A new OC: Millie Bobbi Brown

Well, I decided to make a new Percy Jackson OC! Millie Bobbi Brown, she's the daughter of Artemis, goddess of virginity, hunting, all that good stuff. So you'll be wondering how the hell she has a daughter anfsuzjgcjgvhnm. Honestly at first I thought Bobbi Brown is like a name for a daughter of Aphrodite, but that's Madeleine so no. Artemis is my favorite Greek god, I just love her. Athena's nice too. I wanted to ask if Millie should be Athena's daughter, or Artemis. But they're technically both virgin goddesses, so don't worry, it's fanon *prays that Zeus won't strike her down*

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GRUNGE.mp4 GRUNGE.mp4 23 April 2019

Admin Rights

Hello everyone, I'm SmolPeanut157, and I've recently requested to become an Admin for this Wiki. One of the main reasons I want to become an Admin is because I want to help promote the Wiki and get it out there. I also want to help people who are new to the Wiki, and be able to do more with the pages.

That's all, Have a great day!

SmolPeanut157 (talk) 22:38, April 23, 2019 (UTC)

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Pyschopasta Pyschopasta 21 October 2018

Humans Are The Real Evil?

Hey guys, I'm Cartouche, the Son of Bast of Lower Egypt, and I have a bone to pick with human mortals!

What drives human behavior? Why do they do what they do? Is free will an illusion? Has civilization made them better? And can they escape their tribal past?

These questions (and many, many others) are the subject of a new book called Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst. The author is Robert Sapolsky, a biology professor at Stanford and a research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museums of Kenya.

In a brisk 800 pages, Sapolsky covers nearly every facet of the human condition, engaging moral philosophy, evolutionary biology, social science, and genetics along the way.

The key question of the book …

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Pyschopasta Pyschopasta 21 October 2018

Is Yelling at Your Cats a Form of Abuse???

Hey guys, I'm Cartouche, the Son of Bast of Lower Egypt.

So does anyone know about the video, Some Guy Yells at Some Cats?

It's still there, I'm sure, but what I found out was that yelling at your cat is a form of Animal Cruelty. No joke, I'm not making this stuff up, it says it right there on Google!

A site titled, "Chewy" (Yeah, I know right?), states that: “We don’t scold cats because no matter how carefully [you choose your] words, cats still don’t understand English,” says Shawn Simons, a feline behaviorist and feral cat specialist. “Instead, it is important to understand why a cat may be acting out and then problem solve from that starting point.

But then there's another group of people that says: “I knew there was something up with cats…

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Pyschopasta Pyschopasta 21 October 2018

When Does a Cliché Go Too Far?

Hey guys, I'm Cartouche, the Son of Bast of Lower Egypt.

We live in an interesting time because of our internet culture, don't we?

Most of us just go online for cat or dog videos, but then there's a group of people we're all too familiar with: those who just say, "Cats are not fluffy balls of goodness, they are murdering, evil monsters, and the obsession with them needs to stop!"

Admit it, we've all come across these people, and they're both PAINS in the ass.

Extremist trolls looking to get attention by pissing people off, and extremist crybabies looking to get attention by acting like everything "Feline" is an insult. We usually shrug or laugh them off and then go on with our lives.

But the combination of the two extremes has led to an interes…

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Cowbulldude Cowbulldude 6 March 2018

edit master

ok i am going to edit a lot of stuff on your articals but dont worry i will not change name but soetimes i will add stuff to family or give exampels but wont change stuff like spelling mastakes ok?

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Cowbulldude Cowbulldude 5 March 2018


whats up i am new at website pleas read these thing that i made:alas and pallas mclean if you do it will be cool

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Kallenaiden2134 Kallenaiden2134 27 December 2017

Purple Thread

I'm making this post to keep track with my OCs. 

Purple Thread is of two intertwined stories. Project AT and James Oldr's acquaintances and life. 

Project AT was created by a middle-aged demigod by the name of Mr. Grimm, to artificially steal half of Hera's heart and inject it into a mortal child. James had worked as a nurse for the test subjects, while Gillian worked in close acquaintance with Mr. Grimm. Alec Vineyard, a childhood friend of Gillian, establishes Purple Thread, a militia to fight against Mr. Grimm. 

James Oldr was born as Julianus Aetius Edenfields in the wealthy New Rome family of Edenfields. His mother

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ThatWeirdHermesKid ThatWeirdHermesKid 6 February 2016


Hello guys!

So like most blog posts, I'm new here! And I want to know how can I create a character! Thank you!

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BeholdtheVision BeholdtheVision 30 July 2015

Hey Guys!

Good choice in Fanfiction. There is a well-established, popular Wikia for this topic which exists here ( if you guys want a fancier setup and established community! Just something to consider.

Thanks for your time-

I am a Warrior. 02:30, July 30, 2015 (UTC)

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Quirina Quirina 8 November 2014



I'm new to this wesbsite, and mostly I just want another badge, but I figured I'd actually write something anyway. I'm Quirina - not really my name, but whatever - and I like writing. I like writing so much that I have come to this wiki trying to add as much useable information as possible so that people can write better, more reliable fanfictions, because I really need to see more good PJO and HoO fanfiction in the world - especially ones with good OC's. If I make an edit to your OC page, don't worry. I'm not changing their name or hair colour or whatever you're worried about. I'll probably just be fixing your grammar and spelling mistakes.

Bye for now.


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LukeHeartfillia LukeHeartfillia 17 June 2014

Rate a character?

Hello, my name is Luke and I'm a new member here. It looks like I got the honour of writing the first bloog. *Don't screw up!*. Anyway, I have recently made a character here named Arthur Williams and I was wondering what do you think about him. Rate him from 1-10 in the comments please :).

Anyway, peace out

LukeHeartfillia (talk) 22:42, June 17, 2014 (UTC)

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