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"Auntie Dubayou" is a minor antagonist in the Percy Jackson imagination world franchise.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (Imagination World)

At some point prior to the series, she attacked a group of demigods on the way back from a quest to obtain Persephone's pearls. During the battle, she killed Ferdinand by petrifying him, and also killed 15 demigods. Afterwards, she took one of the pearls, hiding it in a bracelet on her arm, and took up residence in a garden emporium, also adopting the moniker of "Auntie Dubayou". By hiding the pearl on her person, she ensured that anyone seeking it would have to engage her to take it. Over time, she lured 50 people and a dog to the emporium, and killed and petrified them all. Another reason why she hid the pearl on her person was it allowed her to report to her superiors away from the emporium (and thus hiding her actions) while not leaving the pearl unguarded. One day, she lured a woman and her husband to the emporium for making fun of the Morphers on social media, and petrified and killed the woman's husband. She then pursued the woman, catching up to find her with Annabeth Chase. She revealed her knowledge of who Annabeth was. When Annabeth asked how she knew her, she noted Annabeth's record in the conflict with the Morphers, and she indicates He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Aggravated will reward her for killing Annabeth. She attempted to convince the two to open their eyes. The woman was successfully convinced, and she petrified and killed her. She continued attempting to convince Annabeth to open her eyes, then suggests to use an alternate method if Annabeth so desires, such as the Killing Curse. Vanishment, or Dolohov's Curse. A voice called out, distracting her. She soon realized it was another demigod, and, smelling the ocean, went to pursue them. Identifying the demigod as a son of Poseidon, she shoved over some of the statues of her victims, trapping him. She then tossed his sword away, and lifted him off the ground. She then began attempting to convince him to open his eyes so she could petrify him, telling him the petrification was painless, and actually pleasant. Just then, Annabeth drove a car into some of the statues, knocking the pieces into her. She then prepares to attack them with her fireball spell, but Percy came up behind her with Riptide and beheaded her, killing her. After her death, her staff would be taken by the group.


She, like most Witches, is malicious, taking pleasure in petrifying others. She even killed civilians she lured into her emporium, despite the fact that they had not done anything to warrant such force, and her awareness she would be punished severely if found out. She would attempt to bargain with individuals she had approached, attempting to convince them to allow her to kill them. She was also pragmatic, hiding the pearl on her person to prevent someone sneaking around and taking it while she was distracted or temporarily absent,


Her appearance is typical of her species. She looked like a woman with dark purple hair that almost reached the bottom of her magenta dress with slightly crumpled ends and a few holes. She carried a staff capped by the skull of a ram, the eyes of which had sunglasses covering them at most times, except when preparing to use her petrification spell. Her skin color was pale, and her eyes seemed to glow pink.


Superhuman Strength

As a Witch, she is 4.468085106 times stronger than the average human. She can lift weights up to 781 pounds, 14 ounces, 18 grams, 95 milligrams, and 425 and 53,188,965,641/100,000,000,000 micrograms.

Enhanced Stamina

Her body produces three times less fatigue toxins than the average human, though not quite superhuman. She can endure physical activity for up to an hour before collapsing or needing to rest.

Superhuman Durability

Her body is 12 times more resistant to damage than the average human, due to the 75% damage reduction she has as a Witch. She was able to withstand a rock flying at her at high speeds with only minor injury to her arm. Even against Tek-tier attacks, which can bypass her damage reduction, she still has enhanced durability three times more resistant to damage than the average human.


As a Witch, she can use various types of spells, both from her species' branch of magic, as well as the one utilized by human wizards. The ones she has been seen using are an unidentified petrification spell, and her species' standard fireball spell. She also mentioned being able to use the Killing Curse, Dolohov's Curse, and Vanishment,


Sub-human Speed

As a Witch, she can not move very quickly, only able to move forward at 3 miles, 1,876 feet, 6 inches, 3 millimeters, and 600 micrometers per hour. For this reason, she cannot pursue fleeing opponents very quickly.

Sub-human Agility

As a Witch, she is only 0.27290586666 times as agile as the average human, allowing opponents to easily outmaneuver her in combat.

Tek-tier weapons and attacks

Tek-tier attacks and weapons can bypass her natural damage reduction, reducing her durability greatly.

Vital areas

Due to her humanoid body plan, much of her vital areas are easy to target, and Percy was able to easily decapitate her with one swing of Riptide.

