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Astraeus (Ἀστραῖος in Ancient Greek) also called Astraios is the Titan God of the Dusk, Stars and Planets. An astrological deity that reigns over the twinkling stars, Astraeus is the husband of Eos the Greek Goddess of the Dawn their union marking the transition from day to night. As the father of the Anemoi, Astraeus is also associated with the winds, a serene and majestic man that dresses formally like a college professor Astraeus likes smoking on pipe and is a being of great insight and reflection a contrast to his much more fiery wife. His symbols are the stars and the horizon. There is no counterpart for him in Roman myth.


Astraeus was born the son of the Titan Crius known as the Pillar of the Southern sky and the Goddess Eurybia, his siblings Pallas and Perses are beings of warfare and destruction that represent the forces of the cosmos. The birth of Astraeus is believed to have been calm like the emergence of the cosmos itself having no special events colouring his early life, Astraeus reflects the world's natural rhythm the lack of drama reminds that he is the personification of Dusk.

Astraios' eternal wife is Eos and together they symbolise the eternal transition between day and night, they determine the rhytm of existence of not only the earth but the galaxy itself. Eos paints the sky with the rosy hues of dawn reuniting with Astraeus when dusk approaches,the beginning of the night. Even if it seems like an harmonious partnership it is not without trouble as Eos has taken many lovers during her existence Aphrodite cursing her with an insatiable lust for men, Astraeus understanding that he is cannot help but to argue with Eos blaming her as much as the Goddess of love for her escapades. A particularly tense moment was when Eos immortalised Orion the object of her affections a simple hunter among the stars, something Astraios never condoned believing it to this day to be a foolishness.

The children he fathered with Eos are the embodiment of the elements and celestial bodies, they personify the world's natural forces. The four Anemoi the Gods of the Wind(Boreas, Notus, Zephyrus and Eurus) are the heralds of seasons, this makes Astraeus the grandfather of Chione the Goddess of Snow as well as the Boreads the demigods given inmortality by their father Boreas. Astraeus and Eos also brought forward the Astra Planeta the Planets or wondering stars their divine nature and unique path are still a mystery to many, an influence for both humans and Gods that is often underestimated. Astraeus' only daughter is Astraea the virgin Goddess of Justice and righteousness, Astraeus still mourns the departure of his innocent daughter that left the world disgusted by the greed of men never to return her fate unknown even to the God of the Stars.

Astraeus is a peaceful God not known for any rivalry with other deities, his hatred however is reserved for Apphrodite that cursed his wife into perpetual adultery, for a time he has also blamed men for the disappearance of his darling daughter but has since then understood that her nature was too innocent too good and that her flight marked sadly marked the separation between Gods and men. Astraeus himself has never been with anyone but his wife Eos often wondering about the nature of love, this however changed overtime becoming the father of several demigods with his wife Eos long giving permission to persue mortals in compensation to her curse. As the world has changed so has Astraeus as a father eager to share his wisdom and advice with his dear children, this sometimes causes the jealousy of the Anemoi who Astraeus sidelined over his grief for Astraea.

Astraeus has sometimes played the role of an Oracle, receiving the universe of the cosmos and sharing it in prophecies with other Gods, warning Demeter about the fate of her daughter Persephone and Zeus' rape, Astraeus is neutral in most Godly conflicts but felt sympathy for Demeter even offering his protection that Demeter though unnecessary back then, the two of them being in good terms till these days.


Astreus in human form often dresses formally resembling a college professor, with a brown jacket and a silver tie his clothes are quite classy, his blonde beard is abundant and prominent and his curly hair cut short, Astraeus often wears a flashy green beret that graces his head at all times. His body is slim and athletic, his gray eyes are like the cosmos itself and are the reflection of his longevity. In his Godly form, Astraeus wears a crown of stars,his golden hair now longer unleashed a captivating sight, his great pristine wings noticeable, a toga and sits on a throne overlooking the universe by the side of his wife Eos man of great wisdom, Astraeus is often contemplating the world having a great admiration for the philosophers of old Astraeus has long strived for new perspectives for new ways of understanding the world. Astraeus is a peaceful being, desiring to solve any conflicts through dialogue only making use of strength when gravily offended. Astraeus' rage is rare but devastating it is the cosmos itself in conflict bringing forward chaos, most of the divine beings know that when Astraeus is in turmoil the universe suffers.


Astraeus is a man of great wisdom, he has long admired the ancient philosophers striving to be like them always embracing new ideas and perspectives knowledge that never ends like the universe itself, a serene and peaceful being Astraeus has always longed for solving conflicts through dialogue being one for conciliation. Astraeus loves reaching his own conclusions proving right or wrong his own hypothesis as well as a good debate, free thought and expression paramount to him. Yet Astraeus' rage is a terrible thing as the God of the Stars and Planets when he enters turmoil the whole universe suffers, for him the only one to bring him to that state was Apphrodite with her treachery breaking his idillic marriage turning Eos into lust personified. Even now Apphrodite is not welcomed in his domains and has warned his children about the nature of the flimsy figure and the grief it as caused.

Curious yet calm, Astraeus is friendly and welcoming.

As a father Astraeus has not been perfect having favourites like his daughter Astraea, after her disappearance Astraeus isolated himself in knowledge and grief blaming both humans and her naivete for her flight, during a long time Astraeus neglected the Anemoi even refusing to meet them some say Astraeus regarded them as inferior compared to the Astra Planeta really important and tied to his domain and indeed this perception has stated with him to an extent. This started to change with his wife's curse falling in the embrace of others particularly human men, sometimes Astraeus attacked the lovers, blamed his wife before realising that Apphrodite was the one to truly point to. Astraeus often wondered what Eos saw in Ares who was his complete opposite as well as a buffoon and for many moons the name was a taboo, Astraeus has difficulty knowing where the curse begins as Eos' impulsive actions never fail to disappoint him.

Astraeus began questioning what was love for him and eventually forgave Eos since then Eos allowed him a pact of experiencing love with mortals as a way to heal the wounds inflicted by Apphrodite's curse, Astraeus since then has met several women and broadened his horizons as a father of demigods Astraeus has always tried to be there shaping his scions with a gentle smile and a kind gesture helping them live their life to the fullest.

Astraeus has a great relationship with his niece Hecate, Astraeus was one of his teachers back in her youth and it is well known that shares a talent for magic as much as his niece, Astraeus' children are treated with kindness by Hecate who he regards as family and the rightful payment for the times her uncle was by her side. Astraeus regards Hecate like a daughter and to her he has shown his most vulnerable.


  • Day/night manipulation.
  • Aerokinesis, as the father of the Anemoi, Titan of the winds.
  • Astraeus has the gift of prophecy
  • Dusk inducement
  • Dusk control
  • Dusk Embodiment
  • Supernova
  • Photokinesis
  • Star Power
  • Star Creation
  • Astrology
  • Stellar Manipulation
  • Star Magic
  • Stellification
  • Stellar aura.


  • Hygynus and Servius wrote a different version of Astraeus one descended from Gaia and Tartarus, part of the Gigantes, that rose against the Gods. Astraeus himself finds that tale fascinating and wonders if there is a part of him that was a part of the conflict.
  • Astraeus is a peaceful Titan that priorises dialogue over conflict, for him his absence from most myths is a blessing, Astraeus can intervene if needed but he likes to spend time in his higher realm with his learning, nowadays he is present in the lives of his demigod children finding a newfound purpose welcoming the new members of his family.
  • Astraeus is not particularly hostile to Eos' demigods yet their presence saddens him deeply it is said the darkest of nights came to be when Eos' flings were known by him, even after all their reconciliation and pact Astraeus still partly resents his wife's adventures, still reasonable Astraeus will help his wife's children if she asks him enough.
  • Astraeus has certain kinship with Nyx Goddess of the Night and the two are known to work together making sure night falls upon the world, Nyx has visited Astraeus' starry palace sometimes bringing her children engaging in great feasts show of their mutual friendship.
  • Astraeus is also known as the Titan of the winds, his domain as well as that of his children sometimes clashes with Aeolus, Astraeus is content to leave to him such in the past thinking it is a mundane matter not that worthy of his attention, as the father of the Anemoi Astraeus was sometimes neglectful a breach in his family he has never fully healed. It is said the Anemoi once seeked his support to overthrow Aeolus yet Astraeus averse of conflict only scolded them for perturbing the peace of the divine. In a personal level Astraeus believes Aeolus unremarkable despite his role in calming down the Anemoi, Aeolus never liked that he shares in much of his powers being paranoid of him at times.