Camp Half-Blood Fanon Wiki

Artemis' Cabin is the cabin that houses all of Artemis' children, her champions, plus the Hunters of Artemis


Artemis' cabin is a silver building that glows at night, as if reflecting the moon's rays. During the day, it looks like a regular cabin. It is decorated with the paintings and carvings of wild animals, mostly the stag.


Demigod Children[]

  • Enhanced Hunting: As Artemis is the Goddess of Hunting, her children are masters at hunting and tracking.
  • Archery: As Artemis is the Goddess of Archery, her children are extremely skilled archers, only rivaled by Apollo and his children.
  • Elemental Manipulation: Due to being the Goddess of the Wilderness, Forests, and Animals, Children of Artemis possesses control of certain natural elements that govern nature and the wilderness, comparable to the abilities of children of Demeter or children of Dionysus.
    • Chlorokinesis: Although they aren't quite as powerful in this regard as children of Demeter or children of Dionysus, they still possesses adept level control over plants as Artemis is the Goddess of the Wilderness.
      • Animal Communication: They can communicate with, command, and summon nearby animals, primarily wolves, deer, and falcons.
  • Lunakinesis: As Artemis is the Goddess of the Moon, her children can manipulate the Moon.
    • Moonlight Rays: They can shoot shafts of moonlight to blast or blind enemies.
    • Enhanced Vision: They can see clearly in the dark.

Hunters of Artemis[]

  • They have a naturally silver colored aura.
  • They are naturally stronger and faster than a mortal, demigod, or nymph.
  • Hunters are immortal unless they fall in love or they fall in battle.
  • Hunters usually have the upper hand in battle because of their fighting powers.
  • They can summon their bow and arrows whenever they need them.
  • They have excellent aim with their bow and arrows.
  • They can talk to wild animals.


  • Artemis favors having demigod children every few millennia or so and only gives her children to worthy enough men, though she claims that they aren't many out there.
  • Artemis conceives her children in a similar way to Athena.